Dragon’s Crown [PlayStation 3]
Dragon’s Crown for the Sony PS3 thrusts you into a fantastical medieval world packed with labyrinthine dungeons to explore, vile monstrosities to smite, and nearly endless online adventure.
Your mission is to dive into the dank underworld, uncovering treasure and strengthening your mettle as you unlock the secret behind the ancient dragon threatening the world.
Simple, easy-to-learn controls allow anyone to dive into the fray and enjoy the breathtaking sword-and-sorcery action. In addition to long-lasting gameplay, the game also features a vast array of character customization features – with six wildly different classes to play as, raiding the catacombs for epic loot remains fresh and engaging.
- A nearly endless cooperative online action RPG: Dragon’s Crown allows up to four players to team up online to clear out monster-ridden dungeons, discover precious treasure, and destroy awe-inspiring bosses.
- Stunning HD visual design from the makers of Odin Sphere: Unparalleled in their unique style, developer Vanillaware painstakingly hand-paints every detail, be it a blade of grass or the scales on the game’s impressive dragons.