Roebic HD-CRY-DO Professional Strength Crystal Drain Opener – 908g / 2Lbs [House & Home]
Roebic HD-CRY-DO Professional Strength Crystal Drain Opener clears tough clogs from pipes, destroys grease and will keep drains clear.
Professional Strength Crystal Drain Opener contains 100% LYE (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda). Not for use in toilets, garbage disposals or with aluminium, lead, zinc or galvanized pipes.
Roebic Professional Strength Crystal Drain Opener clears tough clogs from pipes and drains. It melts and destroys grease, other kitchen clogs and will keep drains clear!
- Keeps drains running freely.
- Clears tough clogs from pipes and drains.
- Melts and destroys grease and other kitchen clogs.
- Not for use in toilets, garbage disposals or with aluminum, lead, zinc or galvanized pipes.