Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey [Nintendo DS DSi]
A startlingly original entry in the award-winning Shin Megami Tensei universe, Shin megami Tensei: Strange Journey for the Nintendo DS takes the heralded RPG franchise to exciting new sci-fi frontiers.
With over 300 demons to bribe, coerce, and negotiate with to gain assistance in battle, Strange Journey is every bit the deep, rewarding RPG experience fans have come to expect from the SMT franchise.
- Story takes players into the near future on a mission to save Earth and to understand humanity’s position within the larger universe.
- Who or what is causing the black hole that is engulfing the Earth.
- Demons may be friends or foes depending on your ability to negotiate, bribe, and coerce them to join you.
- With more than 300 types of demons, you’ll have a huge variety of battlefield encounters and an equally large base of options on which to build your party.